Professional Learning
As we look forward to the coming new school year, Metro West GLRS is pleased to share our 2024-2025 professional learning opportunities.
Click here – Metro West GLRS 2024-2025 PL Offerings to view our complete list of courses.
Here is a sample of what’s in store:
Specially Designed Instruction: This 5-session professional development series for school teams will focus on developing a deeper understanding and application of Specially Designed Instruction (SDI). ATSI schools will have priority registration. School teams choose one to attend.
SDI Cohort Virtual Kickoff: July 22nd or August 6th
IEP Meeting Facilitation Training: During this 2-Day (12 hour) workshop, Key2Ed provides intensive training in conflict prevention and IEP Meeting Facilitation for school districts throughout the country. This training concentrates on providing the specific tools and techniques for improving positive communication, reducing conflict, and focusing the meeting on the needs of the student. Participants will practice facilitation in IEP meeting simulations based on real-life IEP meeting situations so that they have the chance to practice the skills presented in a safe learning environment and are prepared to go out and implement these skills the very next day. Click Here to register.
Individualized Education Programs: Designed specifically for special education teachers. This in-depth IEP training will cover best practices for developing, implementing, and monitoring Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Participants will learn how to create effective, compliant IEPs tailored to meet each student’s unique needs. The training will include hands-on activities, case studies, and collaborative discussions to enhance understanding and application of IEP processes. Click Here to register.
Pre-school and Early Learning:
This professional learning is geared toward school-based staff who work with pre-k learners. This training will address innovative ways to adapt curriculum and modify instruction, and highly effective techniques to foster and maximize student independence.
Click Here to register.